Update 3: Scott Base Redevelopment

Scott Base
22 April 2024

The Antarctica New Zealand Board has requested additional detail on the Scott Base Redevelopment before making a decision on the way forward for the project.

Last year, Antarctica New Zealand was not able to reach an agreement on the commercial terms of the main construction contract with Leighs Construction Limited and concluded the commercial negotiations in September.

Antarctica New Zealand then brought in external support to investigate ways to deliver the project within the $498 million budget. Following that ten-week options analysis, the Project Team prepared options for an amended design, along with an elemental cost estimate.

The Board met on Wednesday 17 April to discuss the recommendation for the project and has asked for further refinement on some of the options before making a decision. This is expected to take three weeks.

Work on replacing the wind turbines at Scott Base will continue unchanged.

Maintaining a presence in Antarctica is of strategic importance to New Zealand. Antarctica New Zealand is committed to the safe and successful delivery of a redevelopment project that will allow New Zealand to continue its enduring presence and Antarctic research programme.