Presentation | Antarctic Station Modernization: Future‐proofing Infrastructure

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7 October 2020

Simon Shelton, Antarctica New Zealand, and Hugh Broughton from Jasmax-Hugh Broughton Architects present the largest project ever undertaken by Antarctica New Zealand.

The Scott Base Redevelopment project aims to provide a fit-for-purpose facility that meets the project objectives to:

• Protect the Antarctic environment

• Provide a facility that keeps people safe and healthy

• Enable logistics to support high-quality science

• Maintain New Zealand’s credibility amongst Antarctic Treaty Parties.

The Scott Base Redevelopment project is in the third of four stages of design before construction is due to commence in the 2022/23 season.

In this presentation, we touch upon the design evolution to date showing some high-level schematics and architectural renders, discuss managing and engaging large numbers of stakeholders, the challenges experienced through the design process as well as significant investigations undertaken as part of the design process e.g. snow and wind modelling, geotechnical drilling, ground penetrating radar and a topographical drone survey that have influenced the design. We will also introduce the construction methodology that has been considered.

For a full list of presenters, abstracts and additional materials for the 19th COMNAP Symposium (2020) “Antarctic Station Modernization: Future-proofing Infrastructure to Support Research and to Reduce Environmental Impact” please visit